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5 Tips For Your Next Email Marketing Campaign

by | May 20, 2014 | Email Marketing

In this day and age there are many facets of internet marketing that can be confusing; paid advertising, social check-ins, mobile/app advertising. It’s almost like something new gets added every day! There is one side of internet marketing that has been around for a long time and has no signs of stopping: Email Marketing. Internet marketers have been using newsletters to generate business for the better part of a decade and many small businesses fail at using this powerful tool at their disposal.

Don’t let your email campaign fall flat! Here are some quick tips to get you going for your next email marketing campaign:

Brand your campaign

Don’t just send out a email message with some lines of text and an offer; own your message. Use colors and images that are indicative of your brand, use fonts that you use on your homepage, phrases that you use on your website, etc. Help the user associate your message with your brand.

Use a responsive design

It is common knowledge by now that many users read their email on a mobile device. Don’t miss out on this piece of the pie by having a static design or plain text for your email campaign. Go the extra mile and ensure that your email template is fully responsive, that way it won’t matter if the user is viewing your message on their desktop, a phone, or a tablet.

Showcase your products

Newsletters aren’t what they used to be; walls of plain text with a white background and little frill. Email campaigns now are very visual so ensure that you are making an impact with your users by showcasing your products. Don’t hide your products behind a wall of text, show them big and bold in your email message with clear calls to action.

Don’t be afraid to send out frequent emails

One of the misconceptions with email marketing is that you can only send out one or two messages a month. This is hardly the case! Granted, if you are sending out 5 updates a week and they all contain the same material, then yes, users will unsubscribe. If you are sending out one update a week that contains quality information and new or exciting offers, users will continue to interact with your campaign.

Have a compelling and succinct subject line

Put thought into your subject line and make sure that it showcases some great piece of content. Don’t let your email campaign automatically generate a subject line based on the first paragraph of your content. If you have a great promotion like 75% off of a product, put it in the subject line to let users know there is a great deal inside before they even see the email.

And there you go, 5 quick tips to get any small business started with an email marketing campaign. Find that you are still in over your head or don’t know what to do? DirectiveGroup can help! DirectiveGroup has years of experience helping small businesses run awesome email marketing campaigns that generate results. Give us a call today at 813-341-3800 to see how we can help you get going!



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