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Website & Database Backups

Security and data loss accidents happen. Avoid the recovery chaos by safeguarding your critical data and files with regular website backups.
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Protect Your Business, Your Customers, and Your Future

Security incidents and data breaches can happen for any reason and to any business regardless of size.

These failures can be attributed to human errors, server failures, hacking, malware, and lead to substantial financial and technical losses apart from the loss of valuable information.

When it comes to your website, there are steps you can take to protect it from cyber-attacks by selecting a reputable host, using secure passwords and limiting user access. But the most critical step you can take is to save copies of your site files and database regularly – back up your website.

At DirectiveGroup, we take website security very seriously. We believe that what is inevitable cannot be changed, but you can be prepared to minimize or eliminate potential damage to your business, reputation and customers.

66% of businesses attacked by hackers weren’t confident they could recover.

Website Backups Are a Life Saver

Your company’s website can go down for many reasons.

People make mistakes: files get overwritten or deleted; content may be lost when the internet connection is interrupted, or hard drives fail.

Hackers are at hard at work, breaking into websites and spreading malware, and stealing data without any regard for the damaging consequences a business may face.

Software and hardware updates must be performed regularly as a security persuasion but often cause critical parts of the website to break or even take down the site entirely.

Your business must have a website recovery plan in place that will allow you to restore data and files quickly and get you back to work and serving your customers.

Save Time and Money with Professional Website Support

For years, our clients have trusted us to take care of their websites. Let us show you how you can save time, money, and gain peace of mind with our fast, reliable, and friendly service.

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