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social media marketing

Is Facebook Putting You Out Of Business?

The volatility of the global marketplace; the economy, terrorism, political corruption, corporate scandals, scam artists, and more have left us feeling uncertain, unsafe and not knowing who to trust anymore. People only want to buy from companies that have credibility...

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6 Ways To Improve Your Online Marketing

The internet is an ever evolving platform. New tools and websites to market on seem to pop up every week, all claiming to be the next big thing, all claiming to increase your company’s profits.  The truth is marketing is marketing whether you are using Google Adwords,...

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2012 – The Year of Social Search

We’ve discussed in the past how we expect social signals to influence search results in the near future. In the middle of 2011 Bing integrated Facebook signals as part of its algorithm. Announced yesterday, Google is now counting Google+ as part of their metrics when...

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The Most Effective Sales Lead Generation Techniques

No matter what industry you are in, generating sales leads is critical. Every business sells something and whether it is a service or a product, you need to constantly generate leads that will transition into clients. What Is A Sales Lead? A sales lead is a person who...

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Accessibility Tools