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Immediate Ways To Get New Value From Thank You Pages

by | Apr 14, 2019 | Conversion Rate Optimization, Website Management

When you think of your website, what comes to mind? Easy navigation, eye-catching graphics, powerful images and solid content, right? The thank-you page never even comes to your mind. In fact, many times it’s overlooked completely.

Since not every lead is ready to make a purchasing decision, it’s important to let even potential customers know you appreciate them stopping by. But how do you establish a good rapport and maintain a trusting relationship with visitors who contacted you through your website?

It’s easy; show gratitude. Your thank-you page can serve as a great first step for nurturing your leads and can help you identify the true reasons why they contacted you in the first place.

Below are some of the top reasons why your thank-you page can say it all without saying a word.

Build Trust

Your thank-you page is a place visitors are directed to after opting into an offer, reaching out to you via a contact form or completing a purchase on your website.

A thank-you page is the best place to show social proof with customer testimonials, promote an affiliate program or share engaging content.

Demonstrating how many companies and individual customers value your brand builds trust. Showing testimonials that are closely related to the thank-you page’s offer demonstrates the result of your work with others.

This social proof can put to rest any left-over hesitation your visitors may have after opting-in.

Build Brand Awareness

The thank-you page is far more than a happy send-off. You can use it to build brand awareness. Ask your visitors to share the new purchase with their friends on social media. Give them an incentive to get the offer for free if their shares bring in 5 new sign-ups, for example. With a simple click of a button, your customers can become your biggest advocated and help you discover new audiences.

Offer Insight

If a lead makes it to your thank-you page, it means that what you’re offering has value. So start giving value right away.

Provide links to blog posts or other content to help them learn more about you. On average, it takes about 10 marketing-driven interactions to progress a lead from the top of the funnel to the top of the line; i.e. seal the deal and become a returning customer.

Gather Market Research and Customer Feedback

Do you procrastinate when it comes to collecting feedback from your customers?

You can convert the thank-you page into an automated research tool. Use the thank-you page to gain valuable insight into the reasons behind their actions. Learning about their needs will put you in a position to offer better products, service, and experience.

Ask your visitors to answer a question or two. For example:

  • What was happening in your business/life today that prompted you to [action: sign up, contact, purchase, opt-in, etc.]?
  • What is your number one goal this year?
  • What three things you look for in a brand when making a purchasing decision?
  • Tell me more about yourself.

Although option four isn’t a question, it still puts visitors in control of the situation. They can share snippets of information about themselves, which in turn, can help you create marketing strategies that convert.

Increase Sales & Keep Them Coming Back

In addition to reminding visitors why they should return, your thank-you page is a perfect opportunity to cross-sell, offer a coupon to be used in the near future, family-and-friends discounts, or highlight special offers (clearance events, VIP sales, etc) – everything to keep them coming back.

Add Links to Killer Content

Making your best content easily accessible can warm people up to purchase later without being overly salesy. So, on the thank-you page include links to content that delivers the most value to your visitors at the time that they opt-in or contact you.


Saying “Thank You” is one of the best marketing tactics you can implement. By following these simple tips, you can boost brand awareness, as well as gain valuable insight into your visitors’ buying process. And asking a simple question can lead you to discover a gold mine of ideas for your content strategy and greatly improve your marketing ROI.


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