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Here’s What You Need To Know About Your Website Conversion Rate

by | Aug 1, 2011 | Website Management

In a recent blog post we told you that when measuring the success of your website, you should focus on website conversion. If you have a website, you should be reviewing your website conversion rate, but you won’t find that listed in your analytics program. Rather, it is a measurement that you must calculate. Here’s what you need to know.

Website Conversion Is A Critical Measurement

Simply put, website conversion is the percentage of visitors who complete the action that your website requests. Your website might purchase a product, or sign up for your newsletter. Each of those types of actions would be a conversion for your website.

Website conversion rate is calculated by measuring the number of your conversions divided by the number of visitors.

Website Conversion Benchmarks

There are no formal standards for determining your website benchmark. Although measurement techniques vary, there are some generally accepted benchmarks. Generally speaking, you should be seeing an average website conversion rate of 2.1%. More specifically, the conversion rate for first time visitors on average should be around 2.5% and conversion rate for repeat visitors should be 1.8%.

Please note that conversion rates vary by industry, so the best way for you to find your own benchmark is to start with an analysis of what is happening in your industry. Once you know this information, it is time to turn inward and focus on your own website.

You Can Control Your Website Conversion Rate

If you don’t currently know your website conversion rate, your first step is to determine that measurement. If it is too low, or you would like to increase this number, (and who doesn’t?!) then you can do that by making changes. Some of the areas that you should focus on to improve website conversion include:

  • Copy that guides the reader through the conversion process
  • Design that makes it easy for the reader to find the information they need
  • Forms that make it easy to purchase or input information

When It Comes To Website Conversion – Experience Matters

If you are ready to get serious about your website conversion rate you should look for an online marketing agency who is experienced with creating websites that convert. Your website should have all the elements in place to ensure that your company is positioned for the highest conversion rate possible.


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