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Meta Descriptions are Getting Longer?

by | Dec 12, 2017 | Search Engine Optimization

From time to time, team members will share their views stimulated from a piece by an industry thought leader. Here, our SEO Specialist, Kyle Elrod, discusses an article by Rand Fishkin at Moz.

Google recently started adding longer display lengths for description snippets in the search results. This impacts one of the long-standing rules of SEO – keep the meta description at or below 165 characters. It’s still to be seen whether this will roll out as a standard length for all meta descriptions or whether Google will decide to extend only those that meet certain criteria. As of now, around 51% of search results are showing longer meta descriptions. It’s time to get to testing the length of our meta descriptions to see if we can get an edge!

Check out the White Board Friday post by Rand Fishkin at Moz.


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