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Will You Be Ready For the Fall Selling Season?

by | Jul 27, 2010 | Digital Marketing

The lazy days of summer are fast coming to an end. Vacations are just about over, the kids will be returning to school…in short, it is almost time for the autumn selling season. The question is: will your business be poised to capture a burst of year end revenue growth?

If not, August is time for you to roll into action. If you have been considering a website revitalization, now is the time to act. Did you know that the average person gives you only about eight seconds to capture their interest once they’ve landed on your website? And, over 40% of people say they will not do business with a company that does not have an internet presence? Even more interesting, a study by the preeminent Forrester Research indicates that a website redesign can yield a Return-On-Investment of anywhere from 70-500 percent!

Once you have a web destination that will effectively convert visitors into (offline or online) buyers, the crucial next step is to not believe that if you ‘build it and they will come.’ Virtually all companies see minuscule revenues when they follow that reasoning. Instead, your job is to make sure people find you among the millions of websites out there.

Listen to this startling statistic from the consultancy Accenture: 87 percent of adults that purchase offline have been somehow influenced in that purchase online. Being found online is no longer a luxury; it is a necessity. And the fastest route to success is to use the services of a powerhouse digital advertising agency, such as our partner DirectiveGroup, to set you up with a highly effective Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or Search Engine Optimization (SEO) program.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) in the major national and (potentially local or vertical) search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing can get you results immediately. The ultimately controllable directional advertising, it is perfect for companies whose products and services are only purchased when needed. For instance, a plumber could not persuade someone to buy his services if they are not needed.

Google says that up to thousands can be earned for each dollar spent in search engine marketing. Many advertisers report a high ROI as compared to most (if not all) other forms of advertising.

Be sure to check out our website for information about our search engine marketing programs and learn more about how to get ready for a burst of revenue growth.


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