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Manufacturers: Get Social With Millennials

by | Oct 17, 2015 | Digital Marketing

By now you must be asking yourself, how can I integrate these online platforms into our marketing, in order to reach my growing target audience, Millennials? Wonder no more. We’ll walk you through how to get social so you can focus more on the increase of your business.

As you’ve previously learned, in, what you need to know, it is extremely important to reach out and communicate with this Millennials demographic while they are still in their youth, to help cement a connection that is certain to mature as they age. By establishing a brand advocacy now, you’ll help keep the business of tomorrow’s affluent consumer, Millennials.

Social media allows this generation to explore, create and share their interests with a growing network of friends, family and even strangers, and that’s an appeal that has kept this new communication platform a hot commodity.

Where To Be Seen

It is important that as a brand you understand that Millennials don’t pledge their loyalty to a specific social media platform. While they are very present in all the social media channels, they aren’t sticking to just one to get their daily fix. This means that as a company, you must be careful in how you develop and share your branded content in these networks so it doesn’t always feed as salesy or pushy but more so organic and conversational.

Bloggers still have a ton of buying power. If you can partner with an influential blogger for a product campaign, event or other marketing effort, you can tap into an audience that otherwise would have taken your brand repeated reach efforts in order to win their attention.

You are presented with such a variety of options to choose from; and while Facebook and Twitter are standards don’t be afraid to venture into fun and collaborative mediums such as Pinterest and Instagram. The reality is that not every platform will be right for you and your brand. The most important thing to do is test; test every channel, your content, the tone in your messages, until you have formulated a winning combination. How will you know? Well, your audience is responsive, engaging and most of all, their buying. Their buying into what you have to offer and they are buying into your brand, they are now seeing your brand as an extension of their lifestyle.

Get Ready To Snap

If your product or service appeals to Millennials, listen up. An often overlooked medium, due to its lack of metrics, but exponentially growing in user base is Snapchat. This medium is easy to use, and because pictures are worth 1,000 words, the only task you have to worry about is the image. You don’t have to rack your brain with your team on how to write the perfect message, because there isn’t any. Unlike other visual platforms, Snapchat is a strictly image based platform which allows for a powerful co-brand experience. Big brands such as McDonald’s and hit movies are using the in-app Filter option, to let the user be a part of the digital marketing experience. These successful brands are creating sponsored filters that allows their brand (product placement), to add their overlay image on top of the user’s photo for a co-branding and highly shareable experience.

This is truly genius, and should be adopted by any company looking to capture more of this digitally connected Millennial generation.

Where To Go From Here

As this digital shift continues to grow and expand, take advantage of it, and all that it has to offer you, both from an organic and paid perspective. One point many seasoned brands are failing to realize is that with this Millennial generation, opting for an experimental memory or interactive social experience is more valuable and more personable to the consumer than traditional print advertisement that will not engage or motivate action. Bring that to the table, and you’ll be on your way to a ridiculously successful year.

In social media, you must move away from a positioning statement and instead build your brand authority. This means shying away from conveying what your mission statement is but instead focusing on living it. You must show this Millennial generation proof that who you say you are, is what you work diligently to do daily, and that’s the way into their buy-in.

Here are some fun Millennial tidbits to get you excited about the potential.

If you are in need of more insight and greater depth into the minds of Millennials or any other demographic that is a part of your targeted audience, we’re here to help. Just send us a message to learn what we can do for you.


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