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Loyal employees are worth MUCH MORE than their weight in gold.

by | Nov 26, 2017 | Digital Marketing

From time to time, team members will share their views stimulated from a piece by an industry thought leader. Here, our Director of Paid Marketing, Kim Figor, discusses an article from LinkedIn by contributor, Oleg Vishnepolsky “Loyal Employees Are Worth Much More Than Their Weight In Gold.”

Although I’m commenting on a specific article by Vishnepolsky, before I go any further, I am compelled to mention that in my opinion, Vishnepolsky does an amazing job communicating, in a meaningful way, the value and importance of loyal employees in many of his articles. Some of you may be wondering, “Do loyal employees still exist?” I know I grew up hearing that loyal employees are a thing of the past.

Interestingly, these same people also admitted that they believed the reason is that loyal companies did not exist any longer either. Saying it aloud, this concept is starting to sound a lot like “What came first, the chicken or the egg?” Does this really matter? Who is most impacted? Who has the most to lose or to gain? I believe it is a company. Therefore, as a leader in my company, I think it is my responsibility to be loyal to employees first as opposed to expecting employees to be loyal to our company first. To that end, here are 5 tips from Vishnepolsky to start building employee loyalty.

  • By taking real risks for your people
  • By standing up for them
  • By getting them what they need
  • By being there for them when they need you
  • By helping them to realize their dreams



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