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How Small Businesses Can Get Started on Instagram

by | Dec 12, 2016 | Digital Marketing

From time to time, team members will share their views stimulated from a piece by an industry thought leader. Here, our Director of Content and Social Media Marketing, Michelle Keyser, discusses a Sprout Social article by Dominique Jackson,“ 12 Ways to Use Instagram for Small Businesses.”

Instagram is the 4th most downloaded app in the US yet 76% small businesses owners are not using it to market their company. Dominique Jackson at Sprout Social wrote a great blog last month on 12 really great ways that small businesses can use Instagram to promote their products and services. It all starts with making sure that you’re set up on the platform correctly. When you partner with a strong marketing agency they can usually help you through this step. As Jackson points out, this is truly a critical step. If it’s not done correctly it can be costly and appear to be an ineffective platform.

I really appreciate that Jackson mentions Instagram Stories in his blog too. While it’s true that not many businesses are jumping onboard with this new feature it’s perfect for companies who want to sneak preview and new product or service. I would also recommend using it for upcoming events to give a teaser of what’s to be seen.

These are just the first two tips that Jackson gives to small business owners so be sure to check out the rest of them. As always, we’re here to help you get started on successfully building your brand on Instagram so feel free to give us a call.



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