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New Ways To Approach SEO in 2019

New Ways To Approach SEO in 2019

Search engine optimization (SEO) has changed a lot since its humble beginnings. It's a method of gaining free organic traffic from natural search results on prominent search engines like Google, who dominates the search market, Bing, and Yahoo. The primary search...

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Ad Fraud: Brand War Against Bots

Ad Fraud: Brand War Against Bots

Ad fraud on apps and the web is an endemic problem. Advertisers, publishers and agencies are engaged in a war against digital ad fraud bots. In a reaction to ad frauds, recently P&G cut $140 million and Chase slashed the number of websites carrying their...

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Prepare Now For Voice Commerce

Prepare Now For Voice Commerce

There is a debate raging about whether a new economic revolution has started without the masses realizing it. And people are voting with their dollars and their voices: the new economic trend that is quietly gaining traction is voice commerce. This trend makes use of...

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