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Is There an Elephant in Your Cyber Living Room?

by | Nov 27, 2013 | Website Management

While we hope not, let’s look just in case there’s one waiting to surprise you.

Where do we look? Your company has a new updated website and you’ve integrated your online marketing for success and to be competitive in the online world. You’ve done everything you think you should do. Right? You did a great job but it’s possible there’s one important missing piece (that elephant).

Your website, not unlike your computer, needs to have the various software programs on it updated and upgraded regularly. The cyber villains who would like to bring your website or eCommerce to its knees can find those weak spots easily and infect your website the same as they would your computer. You are vulnerable to malware on your website when you have not done the necessary updates that close security holes in the previous version of the software. Cyber villains aside, there are websites, servers and browsers that should work in harmony. The reality is that each has updates that affect each other positively or negatively.

How often should your website be updated? If your website is the lifeblood of your company it would be wise to upgrade the software on your website monthly. If you’re a smaller company and rely less on your website, once a quarter to do the updates could be sufficient. You decide based on how you could function if your website was down for several days or a week due to malware issues. A short list of things that need to be upgraded or repaired includes broken links and forms, WordPress upgrades and plugins, and Joomla upgrades and plugins. It all depends on your website as all have different software.

Having a website maintenance program will help keep the “elephant” out or your cyber living room and more importantly protect your website from malware that can be disruptive to your business.

Contact your internet marketing company or partner with one like DirectiveGroup where we provide a maintenance solution to our clients.


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