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Business Owners Must Keep A Keen Eye On Customer Rating Review Sites

by | Nov 17, 2011 | Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Website Management

A study done by Citysearch indicates that people are turning more and more to review sites such as Yelp and Angie’s List for information on which to base their purchasing decisions. Mobile phone users, in particular, are going to these sites to view comments from others before deciding where to eat, what doctor to see, or even where to find the best organic fruit.

As always, consumers are looking for information online before making a purchase. The important thing to know is where they are going for that information.

Your Customer’s Comments Really Matter

As a business owner it probably comes as no surprise to you that what your customers say about your business really matters. Word-of-mouth marketing has always been incredibly persuasive. But, thanks to online review sites, word-of-mouth marketing is taking on a whole new meaning. In the days before Angie’s List, Yelp, and other review sites, people typically chatted about their experiences over the water cooler. Today, however, people are posting their thoughts about a business online where it is distributed to anyone with Internet connectivity.

The Good, The Bad, And The Downright Ugly

The good news is that positive reviews can mean increased revenue. The bad news is that negative comments can result in the exact opposite. But don’t despair. If someone posts a negative review, immediately respond because it is possible to reverse the damage. Just make sure that you respond in a professional and courteous manner – even in the face of ugliness. Show consumers that you have great customer service and will immediately address the problem. Consumers are willing to accept and forgive bad experiences. Especially when you show them that you provide exceptional customer service.

The Key Take-Aways

  1. If you have never looked at the online review sites to see if your business is mentioned, DO SO NOW!
  2. Make sure that your information on these sites is up-to-date and accurate.
  3. Monitor these sites regularly and respond to any problems quickly and decisively.
  4. Ask your happy customers to post reviews for you.

Managing and monitoring your online reputation was never easy, but now that review sites are becoming more and more popular, it is even more challenging. As a business owner you must regularly search for any mentions of your brand so that you can respond accordingly. If you don’t have the additional time in your day to do this, you should contact a reputable online marketing agency who will monitor this for you.


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