In this episode of Actionable Marketing In Minutes we discuss the benefits of conversion rate optimization in the third of a three part series.

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For the past two segments, we’ve talked about how to determine what a conversion rate is and how to locate and test for trouble spots on your website. Trouble spots that are making visitors take inappropriate actions. In other words, they’re not doing what you’ve planned for them to do in order to convert. Conversion can include anything from making a purchase or signing up and logging in. So it can be something as grand as making a purchase or as small and innocuous as signing up for your newsletter.

When you think about it, most of the time a landing page will probably be the first impression a visitor may have with your site. He probably found something that addressed a need or a pain on his Internet travels that attracted his attention to you. So, he clicked on it, hoping to find his solution.

So, now here he is – on your landing page. If this page is not optimized correctly, chances are, he’ll leave just as quickly as he arrived.

There are many articles on the Internet that will give you tips on how to optimize your landing pages in a way that will make a visitor stay a minute to check out what you have to say. But, when it comes down to it, optimization rules that work well for one person, might not work that well for someone else.

So, what am I trying to say? Find your own hypothesis and run your own tests to make sure all your pages are optimized perfectly for conversion. Of course, there are many good pointers that you’ll find online to help you.


KISSMetrics devised a ‘Blueprint for a Perfectly Testable Landing Page’ which you may find useful. It contains necessary and universal elements to help you get started optimizing your landing pages.

* Headline: grab your visitors’ attention.

* Hero image: this is the main image that should work in tandem with the headline, reinforce your value proposition and draw visitors in, further toward the call to action or to the benefits.

* Proof points: your backup to the headline promise.

* Form or Call to Action: you’ll need one or both, depending on the type of landing page you have.

* Social proof: something like a testimonial or other elements to validate your brand, product or service. It’s human psychology to follow the pack.

* Third-party endorsement: to create trust and confidence, leverage existing brands that you may have a relationship with that your target audience will recognize.


Remember the definition of conversion rate optimization? Find out why visitors aren’t converting and then fix it. As we’ve discussed over our last three segments, there are lots of rules around what to do and what not to do. But, if you keep this goal of conversion optimization in mind, you will do this correctly and will experience conversion optimization success.

We hope you’ve found this information helpful. Please connect with us on Twitter @DirectiveGroup or on LinkedIn. Let us know what you think and what you’d like to hear about next. And if you like our podcasts please share with your networks using hashtag #actionablemarketing.

Join us for an upcoming episode as we discuss how to get rid of or change old, incorrect wrong info out on the internet?